Thursday 19 February 2009

Indian toddler marries dog to stop tiger attack.

You think I'm kidding....

A group of Indian tribals have married off a toddler to a female dog in eastern India in a bid to prevent his predicted death at the hands of a tiger, according to a report.

The ceremony at a Hindu temple in Orissa state's Jajpur district was conducted with all the rituals observed at traditional weddings, including a dowry for the bride.

The dog sported two silver rings and a silver chain, the UNI news agency reported.

Parents of the groom, one-year-old Sangula, were advised to arrange the marriage when they noticed a tooth growing from their infant son's upper gum, which is considered a bad omen.

Community elders believed the growth would lead to the boy being killed in a tiger attack - a fate preventable, according to tribal tradition, by marrying a dog.

Sanrumula Munda, Sangula's father, said the ceremony would not prevent him from marrying properly when he comes of age.

Superstition is still a potent force in tribal and remote communities of India.


GENIUS. Damn valentines day hating, cow loving GENIUS. If I move to the Territory would marrying a chicken save me from getting eaten by a croc?.

Imagine the answer to the question if he ends up going for a government job.

"Are you, or have you ever been married?".

"Why actually YES, she's a bitch!"

"Sir, you shouldn't talk about your wife like that!"

"That reminds me, I need to pick up a flea collar".


  1. Really curious about the logic behind it tho...

  2. Damn. My daughter had the extra tooth thing. The dentist didn't mention a tiger though. He did mention a loan shark, who he felt could help me pay for the dental bill. The shark's been "hounding" me ever since.

    "Sangula's father, said the ceremony would not prevent him from marrying properly when he comes of age"...isn't that just the Jajpurian way...use the bitch and cast her aside like a dog.

    btw---marrying a chicken would just totally foul up your life.

  3. "If I move to the Territory would marrying a chicken save me from getting eaten by a croc?."

    Yes. Yes it would and I recommend you do it asap and be sure to post photos.

  4. Dog Day Afternoon.

    No mention of Goats... to keep away the Zombie Goats?

  5. J ~ lmao Badda BOOSH!...You've got a whole stand up routine going on there.

    Naut ~ Be lotsa teeth in them I think.

    Al ~ Jesus, haven't seen that movie in YEARS!!!. Marrying goats is an Arab thing.

  6. well, I suppose i could say, " At least it will be done doggy style"....

  7. I still don't get how marrying the dog is supposed to stop the tiger attack? Is it a massive, very vicious dog? Or perhaps a cute female stripey dog intended to fool the tiger?

  8. Yep, a quiet day on the news front.
    Is it just me or is there some sort of contagious silliness around the place today?

    Yes, of course Warne is god, and the tooth fairy is real too, and Santa and the Easter bunny. I believe in everything. It's called keeping all the bets covered.

  9. The LOGIC behind it? When did that become a required factor?

    "Superstition is still a potent force in tribal and remote communities of India."

    And most of the Red states.

  10. If there wasn't a child involved, I'd SO be making a joke about doin' it doggy style.

  11. I do bitch about growning up in America for the lack of culture and yada yada...but at least my parents are only trying to marry me off to a lawyer. I even find THAT extreme...

  12. A mate of mine just married a pig - so what do I know!


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