Friday, 2 January 2009

New Years....(video)

We went to South Bank just on the southern side of the Brisbane CBD for New Years eve. Fairly average fireworks, but it was really nice being there. Like most of us I don't really include include my little lady in my online stuff cause of her privacy.....excluding this one. lol. The chick at the end is her.


  1. Hey bro. That was choice, eh.

  2. Had Fireworks on the beach out my way. Lots of Explody Goodness!

  3. Siiick. Choice Bro, that was fully random.
    I think it's time for the Bobette to go back to scool! Bloody teenagers.

  4. That was bombass! I loved the display of fireworks. Your little lady has some smokin' tats on her back. Can I borrow her? heh

  5. she has gorgeous hair, too.

  6. There were a few illegal fireworks toward the lakefront here, over in a few minutes. I would have missed it if I hadn't been outside freezing my nads off having a smoke :-)

  7. Doug ~ I miss smoking.

    Mary ~ She's hot.

    SD ~ Her Tats are what got my attention originally too. And no, you can't have her.

    Bob ~ Lol

    Al ~ I love shit exploding too.


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