Thursday, 16 September 2010

Maccas Muffin Vs Mine (image)

Second last blog was about Maccas 'stealing' my 'secret recipe' Bacon and Egg Muffin. Here's a screen shot of mine from the video.

Here's theirs. Fail.


  1. And honest to GOD, I didn't squish it. Just unwrapped it ... and carefully. lolz Wanted to give them the best chance possible.

  2. Looks like someone ate some of that creepy plastic Japanese display food and then took a crap in a paper wrapper.

  3. Mmmmm... Bacon and Egg Muffin... With Bacon on the side...

  4. Yours looks like the one Mickey D's would use for their ads. The reality is, of course, what is in the second picture.

    Yep, the Eggamuffin is usually lopsided here as well. One bite and everything falls out.

    Some Subway stores here are doing breakfast sandwiches. Not bad for fast-food morning fare, actually.

  5. A much more substantial muffin is the key. Bravo and bite that bastards.


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