Wednesday, 21 October 2009

Making clothes out of fire blankets...

Seriously, WTF is up with the weather?. It's 10:30am and 35 (95f) in October. That's the middle of summer stuff. If you want to do anything physical outside (voluntary) you've got from 6am to 10am to do it.

*grumble grumble*


  1. We're the opposite here. It's record low temperatures for October. Long underwear emerges!

  2. Melbourne has had a brilliant day, and I had a counter attack sitting outside in the sunshine. Mind you that's why I don't want to live any further north makes working a hot, sweaty affair.

  3. That's a bucket of arse. Weather's shit here of course. Must be nice somewhere. Not counting Melbourne of course, on principle.

  4. Sun was a bit bright today.

    My head hurts!

  5. It got up to 12° here the other day. I do not know how much longer I can tolerate the unnatural heat.

  6. Girls blouse!
    35 is what our temps drop to at night. Well, in the wet season, anyway...

    Oh, and if Christchurch (mah home-town!) is a shithole, don't get me started on Dunedin ;)

  7. Ahahaha Drej. The winds you get through that dump mate would freeze ya friggen soul.

    Simon ~ No sympathy sorry mate. It's like how I don't get the nomads of Somalia having lived there for MILLENIA and never having spent a couple of those years walking out.

    Naut ~ Makers Mark is good for headaches. Not sure if it's getting rid of them or creating them tho.

  8. 16°C and rainy here, but it'll be down to 3°C tonight. If I had my way, it wouldn't go any lower, just stay that way until March and then get warmer :-)

  9. Been pretty nice up here on the mount.,.. tho blowing a gale sometimes... mind you,, it will only get hotter and hotter and make me hate the place all over again come summer time..
    Am seriously considering heading to Antartica to live.. (while there is still ice and snow that is)

  10. winge winge winge,


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